Poultry cutting plant ECO-TAL is based in Polanka Wielka at Łąkowa street 5. The company conducts activities related to cutting down chicken parts DRY.

The plant adheres to the highest requirements of the European Union. It is in possession of the most modern devices which guarantee hygienic conditions of production and high quality of end poultry products. The production is conducted always in accordance with the strictest requirements of HACCP system.
We also have a specialized transport and we make efforts to maintain perfect customer service standards as well as completeness and timeliness of deliveries.
The aim of the Owner is to provide our Clients with a safe, legally correct product and to obtain the best possible market position as well as to meet the declared quality of products while maintaining lowest possible prices along with highest quality standards and food safety.
We have the possibility of packing Vacuumed fresh meats, breast filet 12 days suitability.
We have a halal certificate.