The company "ECO-TAL" is located in Polanka Wielka at 5 Łąkowa Street. It deals with cutting down poultry carcasses (chicken, meat hen, chicken stock, turkey).
The plant meets the highest requirements of the European Union. It has the most modern equipment that guarantees hygienic conditions of production and high quality of poultry products. Production takes place while maintaining the strictest HACCP system requirements.
It has specialized transport, draws attention to perfect customer service, completeness and timeliness of deliveries.

In 2018, a second plant was launched in Poręba Wielka.

He trades hatching eggs and chicks and slaughters poultry and hatching eggs in friendly factories under the supervision of his own employees.

It also offers feed components and other poultry related products.

The company's goal is to provide the customer with a safe product that meets legal requirements, strive for the best position on the market, meet the declared quality of products and maintain the lowest possible prices while maintaining quality standards and food safety.

The plant carries out service cutting, boning and slaughtering of poultry at the company's headquarters or in the plant with which it cooperates.


We have a halal certificate.

Attestation Halal ECOTAL 2020